Geschaft Business Documentation

Banner Section

For Banner Section Set-up

Now Go to Dashboard ► Page ► Add new page ► Add title, content and featured image ► & Publish it.

After this Navigate to Dashboard ► Appearance ► Customize ► Custom Page Setting ► Top Banner ► Select Page To display Banner.

One may modify the right, left, or centre alignment of the Slider Text Box by utilising the Slider Content Alignment feature.

Banner Section will look like this.

Our Services Section

For Our Services Section Set-up,

Go to Dashboard ► Post ► Categories ► & Create New Category.

Go to Dashboard ► Post ► Add New ► Add title and content ► & Publist it.

After this Navigate to Dashboard ► Appearance ► Customize ► Custom Page Setting ► Our Services ► Select Category To display Our Services.

This is how the frontend of the Our Services Section will appear.