The downloaded template package comprises multiple folders. Now, let's take a look at the contents of each file
Screenshots - displays template screenshots. Do not use these for creating templates
Theme - carries WordPress theme files
"yoga-pro" -This Theme folder has The important files for theme regarding the theme.
The file "license.txt" consists of important information regarding the license
The installation process can be executed in two methods.
To begin the process of installing a new theme on WordPress website, the first step is to login your Dashbord area
1. Select Appearance → Then Themes
2. Tap Add New
3. Tap the button labeled 'Upload Theme.
4.To install the yoga-pro theme theme on WordPress website, you need to click on "Browse" and select the theme file from your device. Once you have selected the file, click on "Install Now" to begin the installation process.
Congratulations on successfully installing a theme on WordPress website!
Another option for installing a theme is to upload it via FTP (File Transfer Protocol).you first need to log in your website via FTP and Select to the themes folder inside wp-content folder. From there, you can upload the theme you downloaded by unzipping it and uploading it to server.
Afterward, log in your Dashbord site and Select to Appearance -- Select Themes And activate .
To Add WordPress Plugin manually by .zip archive follow steps below for Uploading plugin
click install now to activate
Import demonstration content with one click to get your theme Set-up. This content will lead you through creating your website.
SelectDashboard → Go To Appearance → Tap Get started
Tap"Run Importer".
1) Now To set up home Page First Create a Page From Admin Area
Lable your Page with your parent site name either you can label it home page also. Then select settings then Reading and change the template from static to home page.
2) Set the page: Select Setting → Select Reading → To set the post page display as a static page on your website's homepage
Once you have done you can see all the demo content on front page.
How to Reorder and Organize Section
Section reordering means to arranage the section as per our requirement. first you need to choose section and drag section on top or bottom where you need it. when you will drap any section your front view will change according to your choice.
In order to begin with Section Ordering.
Select Appearance → SelectTheme Settings → Tap Section Ordering
To continue with Site Identity,
Select Appearance → Customize → Site Identity
In order to begin with Topbar,
Select Appearance → Go to Customize → Then Theme Settings → Topbar → Topbar Settings
Select Appearance → Go to Customize → Then Theme Settings → General Option → Social Icons
Topbar Section will appear like this.
In order to begin with header,
Select Pages → Add new
For menu you will have to add pages from.
Select Appearance → menu → Add new
Repeat the same steps if you want to add more pages.
In this way you can add the menu section.
In order to begin with slider
Select Appearance → Go to Customize → Then Theme Settings → Slider Option → Slider Settings
On the front end, it will appear as shown.
In order to begin with Services Section.
Select Appearance → Go to Customize → Then Theme Settings → Services Option→ Services Settings
It will look like this on the front end.
In order to begin with About Us Section
Select About Us → Customize → Theme Settings → About Us Option → About Us Settings
On the front end, it will appear as shown.
In order to begin with Features Section
Select Features → Customize → Theme Settings → Features Option → Features Settings
On the front end, it will appear as shown.
In order to begin with Team Section
Select Appearance → Go to Customize → Then Theme Settings → Team Option → Team Settings
On the front end, it will appear as shown.
In order to begin with Latest News Section,
In order to Set-up the following Latest News section
Select Dashboard → post → Add New
Select Appearance → Go to Customize → Then Theme Settings → Latest News Option → Latest News Settings.
On the front end, it will appear as shown.
In order to begin with Brand Section
Select Appearance → Go to Customize → Then Theme Settings → Brand Option → Brand Settings
On the front end, it will appear as shown.
In order to begin with Subscribe Section
Select Appearance → Go to Customize → Then Theme Settings → Brands Option → Brands Settings
On the front end, it will appear as shown.
In order to begin with Testimonials Section
Select Appearance → Go to Customize → Then Theme Settings → Testimonials Option → Testimonials Settings
On the front end, it will appear as shown.
In order to begin with Contact-Us Section
Select Appearance → Go to Customize → Then Theme Settings → Contact-Us Option → Contact-Us Settings
On the front end, it will appear as shown.
Before proceeding with the Contact Us section, we need to install contact form 7 plugin. Following the installation of contact form 7 plugin. Contact options become visible on the Dashboard.
Select Dashboard → Contact → Add New Page
Select Appearance → Theme setting → Contact & Map Option → Contact & Map Settings
On the front end, it will appear as shown.